founded some time around the year 2005, lighta! sound quickly became the central crew known for putting vancouver on the map in the early global dubstep scene. top international names talked about it and viewed vancouver as one of primary destinations to play in north america for some years. as well, many respected collectives and individual artists (in vancouver and beyond) credit lighta! for helping lay critical inspiration for the (healthy and ever expanding) underground electronic/dj music scene in vancouver.

very activate for a decade, and since shifted to a yearly re-union right after new years to celebrate the legacy.

facebook + soundcloud + instagram

here's a sample of an early myspace bio from the early dubstep era:

"LIGHTA! SOUND is the sounds of the dubstep, dancehall, jungle, dub, bass, fire, soundclash, and hybridized club music - mixed, blended, glitched out and mashed up into what some might call "NEWSOUND". LIGHTA! SOUND is about the fresh riddims and rinses, while staying firmly rooted in the sounds of bass, echo and soundclash business.

We throw our own underground parties, collab with NFF on the Dubforms series, pushing the lighta! sound through out Vancouver, down the west coast and beyond. We make music, make dubs, put soundbwoys to rest, and burn the wicked system down from the inside out. Kill them with love, lightness, root vibration and sonic fire."